Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hadoop etc

Cheat sheet of Hadoop stuff


sqoop import --connect jdbc:netezza://host/dbname --username yourusername --password=yourpassword --query "SELECT * FROM tableA where \$CONDITIONS and columnA >= '2012-08-01'"  --direct --fields-terminated-by '\t' --split-by columnB--num-mappers 1 --target-dir /user/tsusanto/input_data/20120803 --compression-codec org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec

DELETE. You can also delete records using sqoop:
sqoop eval --connect jdbc:netezza://host/dbname --username yourusername --password=yourpassword# -e "delete from yourtable where columnA= 926"


write a value to a file in HDFS:
echo 'test123' | hadoop fs -put - yourfilepath

display a few rows of your data file stored in hadoop file system
hadoop fs -text /user/tsusanto/yourdatafolder/part* | less

to search a text string
hadoop fs -text /user/tsusanto/yourdatafolder/part* | grep -P '\byoursearchstring\b'

move a file from hadoop file system to your local current folder
hadoop fs -get /user/tsusanto/jobs/yourfolder/workflow.xml .

delete a file from hadoop file system.  You must delete the file before you can push a new file to the same location, file must not exists
hadoop fs -rm -r /user/tsusanto/jobs/yourfolder/workflow.xml

move a file to the hadoop file system from your current folder
hadoop fs -put workflow.xml /user/tsusanto/jobs/yourfolder/

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Netezza SQL Extension Toolkit

There are many useful string manipulation functions in Netezza available if you install Netezza SQL Extension Toolkit.

To get the Right 3 characters of a string:

select strright( 'this is a string abc',  3)

The above will return abc.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Microstratgy Dashboard

Microstrategy Dashboard built using Microstrategy 9.3

  1. Row level security based on user login - Microsite IDs. The selectors displayed on the left side of the screen below changes based on the user login
  2. Cascading selectors. Selector Offer Type filters the Retailer selector, which in turn filters the Microsite selector
  3. Multi Panels, so user can easily tab between panels to view different data