sqoop import --connect jdbc:netezza://host/dbname --username yourusername --password=yourpassword --query "SELECT * FROM tableA where \$CONDITIONS and columnA >= '2012-08-01'" --direct --fields-terminated-by '\t' --split-by columnB--num-mappers 1 --target-dir /user/tsusanto/input_data/20120803 --compression-codec org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec
DELETE. You can also delete records using sqoop:
sqoop eval --connect jdbc:netezza://host/dbname --username yourusername --password=yourpassword# -e "delete from yourtable where columnA= 926"
write a value to a file in HDFS:
echo 'test123' | hadoop fs -put - yourfilepath
display a few rows of your data file stored in hadoop file system
hadoop fs -text /user/tsusanto/yourdatafolder/part* | less
to search a text string
hadoop fs -text /user/tsusanto/yourdatafolder/part* | grep -P '\byoursearchstring\b'
move a file from hadoop file system to your local current folder
hadoop fs -get /user/tsusanto/jobs/yourfolder/workflow.xml .
delete a file from hadoop file system. You must delete the file before you can push a new file to the same location, file must not exists
hadoop fs -rm -r /user/tsusanto/jobs/yourfolder/workflow.xml
move a file to the hadoop file system from your current folder
hadoop fs -put workflow.xml /user/tsusanto/jobs/yourfolder/